Ensuring data accuracy is our top priority. We dedicate significant resources to maintaining high data
quality and update our dataset daily. However, errors and inaccuracies may still occur. For that reason,
we have created this form to allow you to submit corrections to our data.
You can also submit corrections automatically via the Corrections
IP Geolocation Corrections
To report a geolocation correction, please complete the form below. The IP ranges should be formatted
according to IP Geofeeds RFC 8805. For more
information, you can also refer to
the presentation "Geofeeds in the
RIPE Database (PDF)".
Two examples of a correct geofeed submission are provided below. The first is for US addresses, and the
second is for DE
addresses. Note that the US example does not include a postal code.
# prefix,country_code,region_code,city,postal,US,US-NY,Prattsburgh,,US,US-NY,Odessa,,US,US-NY,Prattsburgh,,US,US-NY,Hornell,,US,US-NY,Prattsburgh,,US,US-PA,Bentley Creek,
Important: If possible, please provide a publicly accessible URL to your
geofeed file in
TXT or
CSV format. This allows us to constantly update the geofeed data from your source by downloading
automatically. Good examples of geofeed URLs: